
Monday, August 4, 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Simple "Bank" Transactions

This application a rudimentary banking style transaction where two types of actions are possible.
  1. Receipt : where money is added to an account
  2. Payment : where money is subtracted from an account
This application also demonstrates
  1. Usage of two tables linked through a foreign key. Unless an account has been created, no transactions are possible against the account
  2. If the transaction is a payment, the balance decreases. If the transaction is a receipt, the balance increases.
  3. If the payment is more than balance available, the transaction is not allowed to go through
  4. If the balance falls below a certain value, an email is sent to the account holder.
  5. All this through a persistent relational database

Here is the main Transaction Screen



as well as the Accounts Balance File


the balances would get updated when this page is refreshed

Contact Manager Application

This application allows one to enter Contact details through this form ....


Data entered through the form above is stored in a peristent relational database. Refresh this page to see the last entry in the form above in the table below.


Additional views are also possible ... as is evident in the PhoneBook view ...


Note basic application logic has also been incorporated, namely
  1. If no nickname is mentioned, then nickname is set to be same as first name
  2. Depending on the nature of the contact, the degree of closeness is generated and this degree of closeness is hidden from the public form

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


here goes